How to Write a Reflection Essay 2021
Reflective writing allows as analyzing how certain experiences have impacted us. Below are the steps to follow when writing a reflective essay.
Reflection Essay Meaning
A reflection essay is a form of writing where a writer or student examines their life experiences with a certain topic. The writer will then explore how and why these experiences have impacted them. A reflection essay format may vary depending on a few factors such as the audience but the typical introduction, body, and conclusion are still upheld.
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Step 1; Create the Main Themes
After you have chosen the topic to write about, summarize the experiences you have with that topic. Be honest as you tell your reader how you feel about the particular topic. Keep your notes descriptive and straight to the point. Allow your readers to relate to your experience or opinion.
Step 2; Write Down the Ideas You Have With the Topic and the How and Why These Ideas Stand Out
Write down specific portions of your ideas or experience. You may even choose to support the ideas with a story of an event that occurred during these ideas or experiences. Include the sounds, images, and any other sensory parts that make up your experience.
A reflective essay lets you discuss your ideas and opinions about your experience rather than just summarize it. Reviews some reflection essay samples available on the web and analyze how the summary and opinions are brought out.
STEP 3; Connect Your Experiences with Your Ideas and Opinions
The easiest way to make a connection to all this is to create a table. List the main experiences and their importance according to the author.
In the second part, lost your opinions related to the lists in the first part. Also include how your values, beliefs do and experiences influence your opinions?
Try and connect the first and second parts of your table and form a cohesive picture for your theme.
Step 4; Ask yourself questions
If the previous step proves challenging, try to question your opinions. Ask questions like how and why the experience or ideas stand out. How and why do they affect you emotionally, culturally, and theoretically? You can use this common refection essay template as you write;
- Introduce the material you’re reflecting on e.g. lecture
- Include: The title, author’s name
- Summarize the lecture or reading and mention the main themes.
- Write a thesis statement of the overall impact the work has on you.
- Support your thesis statement with evidence
- Include specific quotes or examples of events that support your opinions.
- Explore your understanding and reactions you have after reviewing the work.
- Connect your opinions to personal experiences or information you may have relating to the work.
- Tie it all together
- show how your body connects and supports your thesis
- Mention what impact the work has on you.
Organizing your Paper
Keep it short and Interesting
Unless stated otherwise, a reflection essay is usually 300 to 700 words long. You should check your paper’s requirements to know how long it should be. Check out a reflection essay example to see how they are organized to meet the required keyword.
Introduce your expectations
In the introductory part of your essay, mention any expectations you had for the experiences or reading before reading it. If you were reading a book or lecture, what expectation did you get from the abstract or introduction? If it is an experience, what expectations did you have based on your prior experiences or information with the related topic?
Have a thesis statement
Your thesis statement will be the closing sentence for your introduction. This will explain your transition from your expectations to your conclusion. It explains whether or not your expectations were met. If you are unsure of how to develop your thesis or are stuck in writing your essay, seek reflection essay online writing services for some assistance.
Explain your conclusions
In the last paragraph of your body, write your conclusion about the experience or reading. Ensure it is well explained and provide supporting details on how you arrived at that conclusion, this should be drawn from the experience. If you have more than one conclusion, write each down in it separate paragraph with its opening sentence. The opening or topic sentence highlights the major point or conclusion.
Conclude with a final summary
Your conclusion should summarize the whole paper from the thesis statement, the overall summary of the reading or experience to the conclusions, lessons, or understanding drawn from it. Some of your conclusion may not align with each other but the majority should be in support o your conclusion.
When writing a reflective essay, do not just summarize your experience; discuss your opinions or ideas you get from it. Keep the paper short or as per the required length, write your thesis statement in the introduction and mention your conclusions in the body. Finally, your final summary should be supported by most o your conclusions.
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